Chiropractor Sharpsburg GA - Cow's Milk & Childhood Obesity

Cow's MilkIn this video, Dr. Matthew Davis, director of Crossroads Chiropractic, shares important information from today’s news
looking at the link between cow’s milk consumption and childhood obesity.

The perfect food for humans, finely tuned over millions of years, is human breast milk. Remarkably, among all mammalian species, the protein content of human milk is the lowest.

In comparison, cow’s milk, designed to put 2 pounds a day on a growing calf, contains over twice the amount of protein. This excessive protein content found in cow’s milk, may be setting children up for obesity and health issues later in life.

And instead of weaning children from cow’s milk, we as a society continue to drink milk throughout our lives. This poses the question, as to whether consumption of a growth-promoting substance from another species throughout childhood fundamentally alters the normal processes of human growth and maturation even possibly increasing the risk of premature puberty in girls.

Only human milk allows appropriate metabolic programming and protects against diseases of civilization in later life, whereas consumption of cow’s milk and other dairy products during childhood, adolescence and adulthood is a dietary behavior that may have long-term adverse effects on our overall health.

Teens exposed to dairy proteins, such as casein, skim milk, or whey, experienced a significant increase in BMI and waist circumference compared to a control group. In contrast, not a single study funded by the dairy industry found a result unfavorable to milk.

According to the head of the Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital and the chair of Harvard’s nutrition department , “Humans have no requirement for other animal’s milk; in fact, dairy may play a role in certain cancers due to the high levels of reproductive hormones.”

Today we are lucky enough to have many options to cow’s milk that you can choose which may best suit your particular families needs; there is soy, almond, cashew, rice and coconut milk just to name a few.

Got Milk? Hopefully not cow’s milk!

Remember your best source for health information is your  Sharpsburg Chiropractor, Crossroads Chiropractic. Visit Crossroads Chiropractic regularly and make sure your nervous system is functioning 100%-and that’s it for today’s HealthNews.

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