Chiropractor Sharpsburg GA - How Much Water Should You Drink?

In this weeks video health tip, Dr. Matthew Davis, director of Crossroads Chiropractic, takes a look at figuring out how much water you should be drinking daily.

If you are someone who is conscious of getting their proper daily intake of fruits and vegetables, you may be getting as much as 4 cups of water directly from your diet.

That being said, let’s try and figure out how much water should you be taking in on a daily to maintain your health.

In an Adventist Health Study, involving 20,000 men and women, those drinking 5 or more glasses of water a day had about half the risk of dying from heart disease compared to those who drank 2 or fewer glasses daily.

What the study shows, is that it is believed that an adequate amount of daily water intake actually lowers your blood viscosity, which is how thick your blood is.

Accounting for diet, exercise and environmental factors agencies from Europe, the U.S. Institute of Medicine, and the World Health Organization conclude that you should be consuming 8-11 cups of water or 2.0 to 2.7 liters daily for women and 10-15 cups or 2.5 to 3.7 liters for men.

Remember you and your family can be as healthy as can be, and it’s never too soon to start receiving chiropractic care. Your best source for everything health is your chiropractor.  It’s never too early or late to see the team at Crossroads Chiropractic. Visit Sharpsburg Chiropractor, Crossroads Chiropractic regularly and make sure your nervous system is functioning 100%.

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