Chiropractor Sharpsburg GA - Pessimism May Be Bad for Your Heart

PessimismIn this weeks video, Dr. Matthew Davis, director of Crossroads Chiropractic, shares important information looking at how your personality traits can have ‘life or death’ impact on your health.

➤A recent study found that a pessimistic attitude increases the risk for death from heart disease♥️, while an optimistic outlook may have no effect at all. High levels of pessimism have been linked to factors that affect cardiac health, such as inflammation.

➤In a recent study, 2,200 men and women ages 52 to 76 were asked to rate positive and negative statements on how well the statements applied to them.

➤During 11 years of follow-up the scientists found that those in the highest one-quarter of scores on pessimism were more than twice as likely to die of heart disease ♥️, yet being optimistic had no effect on death rates one way or the other.

➤So Cheer up! Because pessimists are more likely to die of heart disease, and remember, when life hands you lemons making lemonade might just be the healthiest choice.

➤Your best source for health information is your Sharpsburg Chiropractor, Crossroads Chiropractic. Visit Crossroads Chiropractic regularly and make sure your nervous system is functioning 100%.

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