Chiropractor Sharpsburg GA - Gut Bacteria and Brain Function

Gut BacteriaIn this video, Dr. Matthew Davis, director of Crossroads Chiropractic, shares important information looking at how brain disorders ranging from mood or anxiety to other problems that may include autism, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, may be affected by the bacteria in your colon.

Looking at the most common gastrointestinal disorder in the world, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), patients diagnosed with IBS suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, and interestingly also suffer from chronic anxiety or depression.

With this in mind, a new study, using recipient mice, published in Science Translational Medicine explored whether fecal bacteria or microbiota as they call it, from human IBS patients had the ability to influence gut and brain function.

The study revealed that microbiota in the gut can indeed influence the brain, suggesting that the intestinal microbiota may play some role in the spectrum of brain disorders ranging from mood or anxiety to other problems that may include autism, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Make sure your diet contains lots of healthy organic probiotic foods, it can positively affect your physical and mental health.

Examples of organic probiotic foods:

1) Natto: a fermented soy bean dish popular in Japan and now found in the US
2) Ginger Beer: a fizzy, naturally fermented, probiotic drink originated in England in the 1800s.
3) Kefir: a tangy yogurt-like beverage contains a wide variety of probiotic bacteria and 11g of protein per cup.
4) Kimchi: a fermented vegetable dish popular in Korea
5) Kombucha: fermented sweetened black tea originating in China 2000 years ago
6) Miso: Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans
7) Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage (choose non-posterized since that will destroy the bacteria)
8) Yogurt: fermented from milk soy or nut products (look for live/active cultures)

Your best source for health information is your Sharpsburg Chiropractor, Crossroads Chiropractic. Visit Crossroads Chiropractic regularly and make sure your nervous system is functioning 100%.

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